get answers

Tykhe dice are symbol dice you cast on a unique board. The symbols on the dice and on the casting board bring together many of the traditional and mystical symbols that have been used for 1000’s of years. The Zodiac, Elements, Metals, Planets, emotional and metaphoric symbols that have been used throughout history.
The wisdom of the ages from Plato, Mysticism, Astrology, Alchemy, Aromatherapy, Crystals, to modern physiology are overlaid in a unique way for you to explore.
With Tykhe (the Greek Goddess of fortune, chance, fate and providence) a cast can and does reveal futures and options that can improve and entertain you everyday life.
A cast of the dice reveals a unique personal insight. As Plato and others have said, ‘Know thyself’. The first step to understanding and better life.
This Tydice set includes full instructions and everything to get you started. Tydice is intuitive and easy to learn. It isn’t complicated…it is just comprehensive. Tydice have been reviewed, used and studied all around the world to high acclaim for many years.
First you attach the symbols (included) to your dice and you have a personal set from which to explore!
The set comes complete with the 52 sided Tydice card set (26 high quality cards) which enhances and expands the set.
That is where the fun begins! Thank-you for reading.
FREE UK mainland shipping by Royal Mail. Weight 0.75kg
“What do you see looking at these dice? Symbols…all have a meaning for you; you could easily explain them, predict their values probably…and you’ve never seen them before!
So already you KNOW how to use the dice. The symbols are deliberately simple, familiar and intuitive for that very reason.”‘Tykhe Dice won’t teach you anything but they will show you so much’
get started:
Let us say you want to know:
Is moving away from home really a good idea?
Prepare your question (avoid yes/no questions) be clear in your mind what you are asking the dice.
Roll the dice gently between your hands while thinking about your question.
Hold your hand, or both if you prefer, above the centre of the *Tykhe Dice board.
It only needs to be a hand width above the board. Release the dice from your hands,
they will spread across the board.
Look at the symbols that are uppermost, these symbols will resonate with you and lead you to your answer.
Consult the booklet supplied or the Tykhe cards to understand and interpret the reading.
Reading will become intuitive as you work with the dice; but even from the outset it is very straightforward.
What is Tykhe dice doing? It is drawing the answer from within you. Engaging you in another way, combining your inner self with your conscious self. Not allowing you to make the same connections you usually do. Is that magic, guidance or simple human psychology? More the later…but your call.
Tykhe dice is the combination of thousands of years and techniques and tradition, inclusive of current understanding…in a modern, enlightened world.
You may not get a full answer from the first cast, but it will guide you to other considerations, aspects perhaps you are overlooking. Keep asking, keep rolling…keep considering. You are exploring your thoughts and emotions…that is your guide.
This is less chance and more self understanding. Entertaining and insightful. Connections and combination of your feelings, needs and outlook. A means of personal self understanding…Know Thyself…the key to a better future and happiness.
*This is a simple cast, there are many more levels you will see on the Tykhe Dice board. As you work with the set you will follow a path in reading and interpreting the many layers that the Tykhe Dice set reveals.
*Tykhe, the Greek Goddess spirit of fortune, chance, providence and fate.