tykhe cards explained

see…tydice with Amy

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now discover yourself…

We say we want change…but really we don’t! However, life never stands still, it’s changing everyday…so we have too, like it or not, never so much as in 2021.
Last year will go down in history as one of the biggest changes in generations and for all the worst reasons. No-one saw this coming…so what are you going to do?
There is one thing we can do, in the same way we deal with any disaster…we pick up the pieces. See what is left that we can still use; the things that may be useful and also the treasures we can salvage. Each of us has a personal challenge ahead.
How do we rebuild our lives and the right future? Where to start?

It wouldn’t take a genius to say that our lives have changed forever by the events of 2020. That the future holds one certainty…it isn’t going to be like the past.  No, what we considered normal now isn’t…normal is going to be something else, something of the unknown.

Web dice

I started  by thinking about my the future, a sheet of paper and a pencil in my hand and started to make notes. What was I going to plan?
An hour later the paper was still blank. Was I going about it the wrong way? I couldn’t think of anything I could actually do because I had no idea where I was trying to get too or even what there was to work toward. The future is as blank as that sheet of paper. So that’s it then I decided…do nothing and wait and see. That felt wrong though.

So…I turned over the sheet of paper (yes I know it doesn’t make much difference does it…the paper is blank on both sides!)  Actually it does, I found for some strange reason.

OK, this time I’ll write down the things that I have, the pieces of my life that matter.
Top of the page I wrote:  I’m positive, I want something better…great start! Next I wrote down things I liked most…my treasures if you like. Next, the things I like to do; I was on a roll, this list was proving easy.
Next: the skills I have and education and experience I have gained so far. After that I added another list of the things I’m good at; here I added the things I like to do also. I allowed my favourite pastimes and indulgences! Why not, when I build a new life, these would have to be a part of it.

My page soon filled up with all manner of personal skills, likes and pleasures. I also knew who and what was important to me. The first line, I’m positive, now seemed more important than when I wrote it, because now I had a list of why I am that way. I knew that when I turned that page over…I had something to write, something to include in my future…I just had to plan how to arrange it. When you set off on any journey  you need the right things for the trip and a knowing that what you want is at the end of it.

I think I have. It won’t be the same as yours…it won’t be the same as anyone’s. Time to turn over the page…