19 September 2024

The full Woman (post surgery)

My journey is largely complete. I will be putting it all together on here, or at least the main parts.

September 2023:

talking art Sept 2023

I am now post surgery, or bottom surgery as it is often called. The whole journey is now largely complete. I will be putting it all together on here, or at least the main parts.
It cost a lot, if there is one thing you can say about trans woman transition in the UK, it is it is expensive. As a ballpark figure £30K is what you can expect as a minimum cost for transition. That is for surgery and cosmetic. That doesn’t include clothes, HRT and the hundreds of other costs.
I’m going to be paying that back for a long time! I have been advised to put the journey together as a book. Perhaps I will?

I also think I would like as many people as possible to get access, so it is free to you on this website.
I am hoping enough people will make a PayPal contribution, of whatever amount you think to help me recover financially and carry on with this site. There is a DONATE link on the sidebar, and below, should you feel this website has given you some help. It will certainly save you money lol.


Alex x

My SRS surgery at Kamol Hosptal

Kamol Hospital

review of my time there July/August 2023 coming soon…

Your support