19 September 2024

Hi! I’m sure you have worked out, I’m committed to this site and to help anyone who finds my experiences helpful.
I want to cover as much ground as possible but procedures cost so much! Surgery in particular…and you want to know what it’s all about right?
What to expect,
what to do and
where to go.

To do that and to have the time to write about and fund this website…I need a little financial help.
I’ll be honest, for me to do that…it isn’t going to be possible with my limited resources.

I’m not alone, so many of us have no access to Medicare, NHS or medical insurance of any kind. This site has been about doing the best I can with the limited funds I have. So you can see me as a small investment? If you save $5, £5 or whatever your currency on a tip you see at my site, could you spare me $3…you’re still ahead yes? And you will know I am so grateful to you my fellow friends and sisters.
I’m not asking for anything, but if you can help…you are part of a bigger struggle in a world that doesn’t seem to want to help.

Thank-you if you click DONATE and all the best to you even if you don’t. I won’t collect names, address, or any data about you. Less you want me to?
Love Alex x