19 September 2024

I started this post gently, the two main parts for trans women being top surgery: breast enhancement; usually named, Breast Augmentation (abbreviated to BA) and bottom surgery. Lets leave bottom surgery for now.

Breast Augmentation BA

Well I had mine, 19 January 2023. I chose: Centre for Surgery, Baker Street, London, England.

So where to begin?

20 months into transition, I have changed physically and mentally. The journey is going the way it does for so many girls: tears and laughter, gender dysphoria and joy. Depends which day you ask me on that one. I have a shape, a figure…but I want more.
My bust growth stopped about 6months ago I got to a AA cup. This is pretty much the normal on HRT according to studies on breast growth in trans women. It is down to a lot of factors: genetics, medications…but the rule of thumb, before bottom surgery, AA is pretty much it for most people in the early years.

A few things I considered on BA, and this post is about BA if you haven’t already guessed.

  • Why do I want a bigger bust
  • How big a bust should I go for?
  • I’m I really ready for this near permanent surgery?
  • How much will it cost?
  • Where should I have it done?
  • What surgery and recovery will I need?
  • Am I totally sure?

I thought from the beginning I wanted a nice bust

It was one of the things I knew would make me feel more like a woman, to look down and see a bust. It was a ‘must have’ not for everyone but as I say, this is my journey. I had been told to leave my bust alone for 18months on HRT to see what I was likely to achieve naturally. Well as I said it stopped at about 12months (quite common) I had also been on a weight loss diet so it hadn’t had a lot to work with perhaps?
Finding the Centre for Surgery came partly by good fortune. Long story lol. Anyway, firstly I booked a consultation with the surgeon, which was plagued with rail strikes and Christmas holidays…but anyway I got my appointment early January.
Why did I pick them? From the very outset, the dialogue and phone calls from them kept me feeling confident and well informed. Their feedback online was very positive, and they are the largest cosmetic surgery in the UK (I believe) You’re going to have it once right? So don’t skimp or pick an unknown surgery.
Would I recommend my surgeon, Mr Sinha? Yes I would. I’m very pleased.

How big a bust do I want?

2 weeks after

Two parts to this question, what would I like to see and what will suit my build and figure?

I want to leave some room for self growth…so not too big eh? I decided to ask Mr Sinah at my consultation what he thought would be my best size. He has done so many procedures and has a good eye for size and balance…going by his satisfied patients! For me it is important to have a bust that suits me, not just one I like the look and feel of. Actually the two of us had the same idea, a C/D cup. I can grow some more and not be too big, DD perhaps, or if I don’t grow anymore…it’s a nice size.

I was told HRT had done it’s job well and I could have an over the chest muscle implant, 425cc. In addition I had the option of fat redistribution, from my sides to my bust. The advantage was it improves the cleavage fill in. I liked the sound of that. Smaller waist bigger bust… wouldn’t that be great great? That was my romantic notion though, in reality the fat removed is not great. It was never said by the surgery I have to say…I just liked the thought.


There is another thing to consider and that is travel and appointments. It’s a juggling act unless you live close to your chosen surgery. I don’t; 100’s of miles away. It added substantially to the cost of the procedure and the hotel stay on the night of my surgery. Plus you need a chaperone. So you have to pay for them as well. In short my surgery says no chaperone, no surgery. It is a general anaesthetic so you certainly can’t get about on your own afterwards. I could walk a little way a couple of hours after surgery so it is possible to stay in a nearby hotel as I did. Travelling on public transport or car/taxi…I really wouldn’t and it is strongly advised you don’t after the surgery on that day.

Am I ready for near permanent breast surgery?

This is a big step, and there is no going back. Well actually that isn’t true, it is possible to have the implants removed. That was explained to me.

However, it is a pretty big change to my body…so am I sure? This is the question I have to ask myself…and I’m the only one who can answer. I did consult with my closest and they were happy with it. Some people might say, ‘it’s your body, do what you want.’ I would say, I am going share myself with someone…and I want them to feel comfortable about it.
There are three major surgeries, top, bottom and facial. I think the three biggest decisions I will make about my body.

Yes I’m sure. I had a long interview in my consultation before my surgery, and that is important. I knew what I wanted but I’m glad I could be as confident when asked about it. I was nervous before the appointment but it is important to do things for the right reasons…and have an expert confirm it.

What led me to believe it is right for me is many fold. As I see it a bust is the primary gender signal of female. To my mind there are four major gender areas: face, bust, butt and voice. Bust is what is most obvious followed by butt and face. Voice is optional really. However, voice is believed to be the gender identifier by which people decide your gender. More on that elsewhere.
I can’t really do a lot about my butt, hormones and diet are my best bet. Face, I’m lucky and I have done a few things. So bust was a must. I did have an AA cup bust but it wasn’t enough as I said. So not only did I want BA…I needed it. Yes I could wait and see what Progesterone will do…but that seems too much of a hope than a certainty (note here: I haven’t mentioned Progesterone yet…perhaps in a later post.)

Clothes size? I had it in mind my UK12/14 dresses would no longer fit. That didn’t turn out to be the case, those dress sizes can accommodate a C cup. In fact I’m pretty happy about that! The photo on this page is a size UK12 dress. My cleavage isn’t quite ready for the deep plunge neck just yet…so I’m wearing a bra and camisole.
Bra wise, post surgery bras are recommended. In my case the M&S one I bought didn’t fit after surgery it was a good 9″ smaller than the label. A ’42D.’ Well I’m a 38″, it should have been very loose but in fact even after the surgeon cut the back of it, it still didn’t fit! I returned the bra to M&S two weeks later, they measured it at 35″! I did get a full refund from M&S.
You are required to wear a bra 24/7 for 6weeks after surgery so it has to be comfortable. I wear my sports bras from Primark, 3 for £11. 2XL is a good 38″+. You really can’t get better value than that surely? Comfortable in bed and a large body shape that doesn’t press against the under breast scars. Not as easy to get on and off as a front zip fastening post op bra but…it’s not such a job. Just take it off downwards…not over your head.


To start, everyone is different. What I experienced others will or won’t.
Waking up my under breast was painful. I was given tablets and much was relieved. Within a couple of hours I was happy to walk carefully with my chaperone to the hotel nearby. A short walk, about 5mins.
I had Hybrid breast implant surgery so fat was taken from my sides and used to increase the volume of my cleavage.

Yes I was pretty sore walking back to the hotel but my left side became the most painful site.
The first night was painful on that left side, painkillers help enormously. My bust and right side were far less of a problem.
The following day I walked to Paddington train Station, some 30min walk so I can say it isn’t so bad the next day.
The following week my side and left scar area were pretty painful, stabbing pains and what feels like a burning sensation. I got an enormous bruise on my left side but it faded a week or so later. I did have discomfort and intermittent pain for 3weeks. It subsides quickly after that. Some 4weeks later, pretty much pain free. No pain no gain my friends.
This is major surgery when you think so yes expect some pain and inconvenience. It’s worth it…for me a least.
The Centre for Surgery checked on my progress by phone almost daily, they really are a first class service. I never felt rushed or put on hold. My surgeon, nurses, and admin support staff were wonderful. I give them 5Stars for everything.


It wouldn’t be fair for me to give costs here, but it isn’t cheap. And remember the fee is plus 20% VAT. Having to pay value added tax on something I should be offered on the NHS seems something of an insult.
This is a big investment and one I have worked hard to afford. If you find my blog of help, and can donation any amount (Donate in the right hand column or bottom of the page) to my ongoing crippling costs it is gratefully accepted, however small 🙂

Following the link below to Centre for Surgery will give you a better idea of costs.

more to follow…

more details at Centre for Surgery