19 September 2024
wasting your money

It’s fair to say, because I’ve wasted so much money already, that the vast majority of beauty products, health supplements, skin improvement, slimming aids…are a total con.
I wanted so much, as people do, to get that perfect skin, lips, lashes, waist (to name just a few on my bucket list.)
It’s not going to happen…there is no secret serum, diet or product…there just isn’t.
Hair removers I have covered in the Body Beautiful page. Not one has lived up to its promise.

The list of products I get bombarded with everyday on Facebook, Google, eBay is mind boggling.
Anti-aging and wrinkle creams…nope.
Does any of this stuff have to prove it works before it can be put on sale? Is there no legal requirement for it to actually work?
Well so far nothing has…and if i think of anything that even made a difference, I will let you know.

The hardest part of transition for me…is the waiting. I doubt I am alone in that. Anything that promises to speed up the process or remove the years is a tempting purchase. But the bottom line is waiting and growing naturally is the only way. 1-2yrs to really get things working is the realistic timespan.
It wouldn’t be so bad if it was just a waste of money…but it can also cause health problems. My body is undergoing great change and that’s a pretty big ask in itself, without pushing other chemicals into the mix.

Be kind to your body