19 September 2024

Certainly the easiest place to come ‘out’…and probably where most people begin. There are many forums, facebook groups and websites out there…including this one I guess…with topics for trans people.

Facebook can be tricky but with a genuine, valid email address it isn’t impossible to do. However, chose a name and stick with it. Stay sensible and post real events…and don’t use other peoples photos.


I’ve had a female FB profile for over 8 years it has allowed me to ‘live’ as a woman and feel like a woman. I don’t use it to fool people or lie…just for me to be Alex and stay anonymous from my everyday life.

Connecting with real people online gives me insight into my future life and teaches me how to interact.

I can talk about things I never could as a man.

Then there are Google profiles, YouTube, Tik Tok, Aliases…whatever. Instagram is a bit more difficult…but you don’t need them all!

I’ve been wondering where to put the links and influences I’ve had from the online community, and here is a good place I think.

Transgender Heaven

“Transgender Heaven has been of great help to me, have a look for yourself”

Who else has influenced me, guided me, made me feel confident? There is one above all others: Stef Stanjati. Stef is no longer active on YouTube but her legacy is. In truth she is the inspiration for this site. She helped me…and now I want to give something back to others as she did.
Around 90 of her live casts and videos are still on Youtube, ranging back to 2016 I believe.
I could bang on about how I so love this young women…but just watch the videos and judge for yourself. I pulled this video at random…she has such a lot of vital things to say.

Stef Stanjati’s old YouTube channel

Also Victoria Rose.

This is such a ‘must watch’ video for starting out…trust me…trust Victoria!

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